Welcome to the Fuspay partner virtual card API documentation! This guide provides detailed insights into our card management system, explaining its hierarchy, functionality, and features to help you seamlessly integrate and utilize our API for creating, managing, and using virtual cards.
System Hierarchy
The partner integrates the Fuspay virtual card system, enabling them to onboard their own merchants. Each merchant can then register users, who, in turn, can create and manage virtual cards for their transactions.
The card system operates in a structured hierarchy to ensure efficient management:
Partner: The primary account that oversees multiple merchants.
Merchants: Independent entities under a partner that serve individual users.
Users: End customers associated with a merchant, each managing one or more virtual cards. Users need to have performed KYC
Cards: Virtual cards created and managed by users for seamless digital payments.
Card Features and Types
Our virtual cards come with robust features and support for multiple card types:
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Card Types
Visa Cards: Broad global acceptance with secure transactions.
Mastercard: Wide compatibility and versatile usage.
Supported Countries and Platforms
Virtual cards can be created and used in more than 18 countries.
Our cards are compatible with major payment platforms, including:
Visa and Mastercard networks.
Use cases: Online shopping, subscriptions, and more.
Card Creation
However you would need up to $5 to create a card. All cards will have a default balance of $3
Card Withdrawal
A fee is applied each time you make a withdrawal from your balance.
Card Funding
$1.4 for funding less than $100 & 2.5% for funding above $100
Insufficient Debit
For every insufficient debit attempt, a fee of $0.50 is charged. If this occurs twice, the card is automatically frozen.
User KYC Cost
User KYC is mandatory and involves a one-time cost for the user.
Card Maintenance
A monthly card maintenance fee of $2 applies.
Card Termination Fee
Cards can be terminated when multiple transactions above the card balance are tried on the card
This documentation equips you with the tools and information needed to integrate and maximize the potential of our Virtual Card API. Explore the detailed API references for endpoint-specific guidance. For additional support.
Last updated